20 Funny Travel Gifts for Your Travel Buddies (That are Secretly Practical)

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Looking for funny travel gifts? Here’s the good news: after decades of being a total smartass, I think I’ve finally mastered the art of giving stellar gag gifts.

While for many, the holidays are a chance to spoil loved ones with lavish presents, for me and many of my friends, how much we care about each other is actually quantified by the amount of insults and abuse exchanged between us. In other words, the more I make fun of you, the more I love you.

… And there’s no greater love-hate relationship than that between two friends who travel together.

Something about the trying nature of travelling really puts a strain on relationships… and for better or for worse, you really get to know a person.

Save this List of Funny Travel Gifts for Later!

You’ll be very glad you did.

Now, we all have travel friends who embody certain characteristics, e.g. always hangry, perpetually snoring, and everything in-between… so I ask: why not forgo the lame cliched gifts and get them something hilarious (but actually practical) that pays homage to your unique friendship?

 So, if like me, you express affection towards friends by being an absolute ass, then you’re in the right place. I guarantee one of these travel buddy archetypes will remind you of a friend you’ve travelled with, so read on for some stellar, ridiculous (and yes, actually really practical) gifts to send their way.

Looking for more great gift ideas? Check out a bunch more ideas over here.


Funny Travel Gifts for the Paranoid Germaphobe

When travelling, most people tend to embrace the newness of their surroundings and you know, ‘live a little’. On the opposite end of this spectrum are the overly cautious types who live in constant fear, essentially drinking hand sanitizer to avoid illness. Here are some gift ideas for those very special friends.

This Emergency Kit for Public Toilets

Gone are the days of waiting to get back to the hotel before taking care of business! This public toilet survival kit comes complete with a toilet seat cover, antiseptic wipes and even a pair of gloves for good measure, so your germ-averse friend can do their thing in peace.

10/21/2024 04:55 pm GMT
This Portable Box that Sanitizes Your Phone

This amazing UV Sanitizer is said to effortlessly zap all the bacteria on your phone, PLUS it works as a charger. Is this overkill? Maybe a little, but I bet you had someone in mind as soon as you saw it.

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10/21/2024 05:00 pm GMT

Funny Travel Gifts for the Human Snorlax

Some travel buddies are capable of sleeping anywhere, and will likely be found passed out on any bus, train, car ride, etc. with their mouths wide open. It’s a baffling phenomenon for those who travel with them, but we’ve long embraced it as a quirk. These human snorlaxes tend to also be the squad’s favourite snorer. Here are some ideas for this friend.

This Ridiculously Over-the-Top Travel Pillow

One look at this "travel pillow" and you'll see why it is genuinely the most hilarious gift you can give to your favourite sleeping beauty. Just the thought of seeing someone have this in real life is too much for me to handle... but you must admit, it looks pretty darn comfy.

This Funny Sleeping Mask

Another great gift idea for the human snorlax is a unique sleeping mask. For your sassy friends, this "eff off" sleep mask will probably do the trick... or you can opt for something a little more sillier like this sleeping mask that makes it look like you're still awake.

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10/21/2024 04:55 pm GMT
A Silly Snore-Control Chin Strap

This smart-sleep chin strap is by far one of the most ridiculous things you could ever wear. I know this because I received one as a "joke gift" last year (which led to my earthshattering epiphany that I snore like a dying possum).

Genuinely though, this not-so-subtle way of telling your pal that they have a snoring issue is the perfect little gift for the holidays.


Funny Travel Gifts for the Hangry Hangry Hippo

Ah, probably the most terrifying travel buddy of all. One second, it’s all fun and laughs in an exotic location and then, as soon as hunger strikes, they claws come out and they’re legit ready eat your first-born child. Hangry friends are fun to humiliate, because they tend to be aware of their issue, so here are some ideas for that hangry friend on your gift list.

This Hanger Emergency Kit

This incredible CraveBox Care Package comes with 40+ types of cookies, candy and chips to mitigate the damage of even the most vicious hangry meltdowns. Alternatively, a box of granola bars in your purse could be a short-term solution.

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10/21/2024 04:45 pm GMT
This Funny Hangry Coffee Mug

More to just warn others in the hippo's vicinity, this hanger mug serves two purposes: it defines the condition for the confused souls who don't know about it and also, it holds the sweet nectar of life: cofffeeee... which might keep the hunger pangs at bay for a little while.

10/21/2024 04:52 pm GMT
This Silly Hangry Shirt

Or hey, why not let them wear their hanger loud & proud through some Hanger-related clothing items? Again, a helpful warning to others that the beast is near.

10/21/2024 04:56 pm GMT

Funny Travel Gifts for the Captain of #TeamHangover

There’s always that one friend who takes pub crawls too seriously and drinks tequila like it’s apple juice… you’ll find Captain Hangover either withered in the hostel bunk regretting their entire existence, or wearing comically large sunglasses while sightseeing and trying not to cry. Here are some perfect gift ideas for this special travel buddy.

The Ultimate Hangover Cure

For this friend, nothing could be more fitting than these magic hangover cure sachets which work quickly to cure symptoms. Way better than scouring the streets of a foreign country for a hangover cure, right?

07/10/2024 10:30 am GMT
This Carry-on Kit for Boozers

Otherwise, this set of carry-on cocktail kits is pretty perfect. It comes in wickedly hipster packaging (which adds a touch of class to your airplane drinkfests), and will allow your boozy friend to embrace their quirk in style.

10/21/2024 05:00 pm GMT

Funny Travel Gifts for the Squad’s Kim K

We all have that friend who appears to be obsessed with their own face. Generally, you’ll spot them next to a very important monument, snapping photos while brainstorming creative hashtags like #me and #traveler. They won’t realize until later that 90% of the photo is their face, so the Eiffel Tower might as well not even be in the pic. Still, at least they look good.

This Very Extra Light-up Phone Case

For ardent selfie-lovers, flash is often the worst enemy. This phone case combats that by literally lighting up so that you have the most flattering spotlight in times of low-light conditions. Yes, while super vain, it apparently does work.

A Plug-in Fan for Your Phone

If your friend is such a big fan of selfies, why not get them a fan for their selfies? No joke, this plug-in fan fits right onto your phone to get a wonderful wind-swept effect in every selfie you take. A little unnecessary yes, but fabulous in every way.

This Phone Charger Bracelet

I'm sure we're all familiar with the ultimate first world problem: not having a charger when your selfie machine (aka phone) is out of juice. That worry disappears with this (surprisingly ok looking) bracelet, which secretly houses a phone charger.

10/21/2024 04:47 pm GMT

For the Pure Palette Prince(ss)

We always have friends who are picky eaters, but these habits become all the more annoying evident when travelling. A friend of mine once told me about his travel buddy who had a sandwich-only diet, which meant a tremendous lack of foodie adventures anywhere they went. While not all instances are that extreme, here are some gift ideas for those with less adventurous taste buds.

These Mini Sauce Keychain Bottles

Those with picky tastes often rely on a signature sauce to make new dishes tolerable, so why not gift them the opportunity to douse their dishes on the go? These mini bottle keychains are small enough to lug around (and get by carry-on restrictions) plus they're also super cute and refillable.

10/21/2024 04:47 pm GMT
This Tasty International Snacks Sample Box

If being a little aggressive about their pickiness is more your style, check out this gift set, which comes with a variety of international snacks that will allow your picky friend to expand their culinary horizons. If they don't want it, at least you tried (aka more for you, you animal).

10/21/2024 04:49 pm GMT

Funny Travel Gifts for the Toilet Ninja

With some friends, all boundaries have been crossed and you will liberally discuss all gross details of your life in-depth with them… but some others are a little more shy and quite frankly, a little weird about it. The Toilet Ninja is that friend that quietly slips away to do their business and usually does so in a completely silent fashion… and you don’t realize until they return that they had, in fact, actually left. Here are some gift ideas for your stealthiest travel friend.

This Anti-Odour Toilet Spray

In case you didn't believe magic existed, let me introduce you to Poo-Pourri Toilet Spray, a mix of essential oils and natural compounds that apparently trap yucky odours in the toilet bowl before you do your business. This gift would be perfect for the toilet ninja who fears 'going' in public restrooms in fear of being found out... and you can't put a price on that ease of mind.

10/21/2024 04:54 pm GMT
This Pack of Emergency Underwear

AKA the best gag gift of all time, these Emergency Undies are the perfect jab at your friend who always sneaks off to the washroom. Containing one pair of disposable one-size-fits-most underpants, it also comes packaged in an adorable tin.

10/21/2024 04:45 pm GMT
This Portable "Urinal" for the Ladies

"It's not fair that guys can pee standing up..." says every woman who has ever camped/hiked or otherwise peed outside. But hey it's the 21st century, so now it's time for ladies to get in on that stand-up action. I think of all practical gifts, this ladies' portable urinal takes the prize for "oddly genius".

10/21/2024 04:49 pm GMT

Funny Travel Gifts for the King/Queen of Passive Aggression

In any group trip, there’s always one especially salty master of passive aggression. Sure, you love the heck out of them, but there’s just something about the travel environment that brings out their scarily hostile side… so here are some gifts to use as a peace offering.

How Not to Be a D*ck: An Everyday Etiquette Guide

I have a hard time believing they won't get the point when you hand them a book literally called How Not to be A Dick. It's a fun gift that will (hopefully) make them chuckle, plus according to reviews, it's actually packed with practical information.

10/21/2024 04:54 pm GMT
This Passive Aggressive Notepad

Clearly, your PA friend has trouble being straight forward with their hostility, so hopefully this passive aggressive notepad will help them express the innermost thoughts. Aggressive stationery for the win.

10/22/2024 04:25 pm GMT

Hope you enjoyed this roundup of funny travel gifts!

Whew! SO – did any of these travel bud archetypes remind you of someone in your life? Let me know in the comments which ridiculous product was your favourite, and if I missed any of YOUR favourite funny travel gifts 😉

My Go-To Travel Favourites:

🧳 Eagle Creek: My favourite packing cubes

💳 Wise: For FREE travel friendly credit cards

🍯 Airalo: My go-to eSIM

🏨 Booking.com: For searching hotels

📷 Sony A7IV: My (amazing) camera

✈️ Google Flights: For finding flight deals

🌎 WorldNomads: For travel insurance

🎉 GetYourGuide: For booking activities

6 thoughts on “20 Funny Travel Gifts for Your Travel Buddies (That are Secretly Practical)”

  1. I liked that you mentioned the smart-sleep chin strap that you received as a joke gift which would be a great way of telling a pal that they have a snoring issue. Finding an item that can help you subtly and nicely tell your friend of a problem would probably be a great idea. This could help you keep your friendship with them, while also taking care of any problems.

  2. You made a great point when you mentioned that sometimes it is better to avoid the cliche gift and get your friends something that will make them laugh. One of my best friend’s birthday is coming up and I want to get him a gift he won’t forget. I will have to keep these tips you shared in mind as I look for the perfect gift.


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